The Best Hot Weather Chilled Soup Recipe
Surprise! I don’t normally post on Tuesdays, but this week I have The Best Hot Weather Chilled Soup Recipe and I’m sharing it over on my friend Kristin’s blog. Kristin blogs over at Live Simply. I love her blog. When my blog grows up it wants to be just like her blog! So pretty!! I’ve mentioned before that this year I’m expanding my warm weather recipe collection so that TSM and I can still enjoy nourishing foods on the days when it’s too hot to want to cook at all or we’re just not hungry for something heavy. This soup is light, fresh, rich, colorful and best of all, it’s SO good.…
Salsa Fresca
One of my first posts as Real Food Girl: Unmodified was a Garden Salsa recipe. It’s a favorite in our home and it is as tasty as it is pretty. But there is a small problem with that salsa post. The original (recipe) has photos that were taken with my iPhone and when there was no daylight in the kitchen. The photos just didn’t capture the vibrant colors in the salsa at all. New photos and an update to the recipe were long over due. Because spring is here, and fresh veggies are on my mind, I’m going to change the recipe up a bit from the Garden Salsa recipe that is already on the…
Real Food Enchilada Sauce
I love to spoil you guys. I really do. Case in point; tomorrow for 30-Minute Monday I’m sharing my Beef and Bean Enchilada recipe. But in order to have it fit into the 30-minute time frame, you guys would have to use a powdered enchilada mix. Which, if you can find one that is truly nothing but organic spices, that’s not a bad thing, but making one from scratch always seems like a better idea to me. In order for you guys to be able to make the enchiladas, I wanted you to have my Real Food Enchilada Sauce recipe. YAY!! And, if I don’t get this posted before Monday, you’ll have to…
30 Minute Monday- Real Food Skillet Tamale Pie
Welcome to the fist installment of 30-Minute Monday’s. When I used to work out in the real world I never cared for Mondays. My biggest reason was I never slept well on Sunday nights and so I was always so sleepy on Monday. Typically I was dragging. By the time I got home from working a 10-hour day the last thing I wanted to do was spend 90 minutes or more in the kitchen making dinner. I wanted to jump in my flannel jammies, make something quick and filling and vegetate on the couch and snuggle with the fur babies and catch up on the day with The Stud Muffin. That ‘feeling’ was…
Homemade Marinara (or as we Italians call it- GRAVY)
TSM is Italian. Long before we met, I told God that I wanted to marry an Italian and that I wanted his last name to start with a “C” so that I could be a “Mrs. C” and be super cool like Joanie and Ritchie’s mom from Happy Days. I would be the popular mom and all the neighborhood kids would want to come to our house because I was just that spectacular and my kids were phenomenally sensational. The good news is that God answered my prayers for an Italian husband with a last name that began with a “C”. The bad news is that I’m unable to have children of my…