Who is Real Food Girl: Unmodified?
Hi, I’m Kristine!
I’m a joyfully married, classically French trained cook/chef turned pro-organic, anti-GMO Food Hippie. I live in South Carolina with my Italian husband, “The Stud Muffin” (TSM), our two Golden Retrievers, Delaney and Honor, and 1 ninja spy kitty named Camilla Bean.
In the summer of 2013, because we apparently like to do crazy things, we packed up the home we’d been living in for over 12 years, grabbed the pets, stuffed everything into a 26′ U-Haul, put the second car on a trailer behind the U-Haul and moved down to South Carolina from the Twin Cities (That’s in Minnesota for those that aren’t in the know). We didn’t even have jobs lined up. It was a complete and total leap of faith! We made this move in order to be closer to my (step) daughter, her hubby and their two adorable children. We’re also hoping that my (step) son, his wife and two boys make it back down here after the Army is finished with him.
When it comes to all things ‘food’, I’m like a sponge. I’m a ‘forever student’ of it and can’t get enough. It’s one of the reasons that I went to culinary school. I also wanted to strengthen current skills and establish techniques that would make me a better cook. My intent was to learn from amazing Chefs and absorb as much information as I could so that I could confidently share what I’ve learned with everyone. Well, everyone who reads this blog, anyway. 😉
Food to me is more than just ingredients going into a dish and landing on my plate. It’s about being acutely aware of where the ingredients came from. Did they have a good life where they were allowed to roam freely in lush pastures? Are they organic or free of genetically modified organism and is there a way I can support local farmers and increase the strength of the organic movement?
As a nation we’ve lost touch with the realities of the steps between the farms to our tables. I think it’s time to go back to knowing where our food came from and what’s in it. Just like our grandparents and great-grandparents did.

My passion for about 5 years now has been to expose the existence and dangers of GMOs to anyone willing to listen and to be a part of the crusade to get them removed from our food supply. For me, organic and Non-GMO ingredients are more important than the dogma of food “rules” imposed by someone else. I think guidelines are more appropriate than rules. There are too many rules surrounding food as it is and people are in crisis mode as a result.
Keeping it simple and reminding you to make only the changes that fit your life, your budget, your health requirements and your personal food philosophy is my ambition and one of the reasons behind Real Food Girl: Unmodified. Real Food is an ongoing process. What you may enjoy eating now, you may no longer enjoy 3-6 months from now. Just keep making changes and little by little, you’ll be on your way to better health.
There is no room for shame or judgment when learning about GMOs and Real, organic food. I want you to learn “Good, Better, Best” when it comes to packaged foods so over time you can achieve your goal of totally eliminating highly-processed, GMO-laden foods from your home, while introducing more and more fresh, Real, whole, clean ingredients in the process. If I’m beating you over the head with my list of “rules”- nothing will get accomplished for the greater good and you’ll walk away frustrated and convinced you can’t live up to those stupid rules. Whether you want to eat Real Food vs. conventional food 80/20% of the time or 90/10% or 100% of the time, I want to be a part of your time in the kitchen and the process to get you to accomplish your goals.
I want to ignite a passion within people to want to create nourishing, wholesome meals for their families from scratch. Cooking can be so much fun and also very rewarding. In the pages of this blog I’ll show you the tools and gadgets I use and share my recipes with you and walk you through each and every step. You don’t have to do this alone. I’m even available by email.
TSM and I started our Real Food Journey in December of 2012. As with any journey I will probably make real mistakes, I’ll definitely make real changes, and overcome real challenges. My goal is to unmodify our diets and shepherd others to a Real Food way of living. Keeping that in mind, I feel I should add that I do not treat Real Food as a religion. I do not believe that it is a diet nor do I believe that any one person, blog or website has all the answers or holds all the keys or rules to the Real Food way of eating and living.
Real Food is different to everyone. You may not agree with every ingredient or every method of cooking on my blog, and that is okay. Take what applies to you and leave the rest behind.
Food shouldn’t be legalistic, it shouldn’t be difficult, it shouldn’t stress you out, break the bank or turn you into a Judgy McJudgypants. That is why I say I strive to use *as many* organic & Non-GMO foods as possible. When I can’t, I will use local ingredients from trusted farms/sources. I’m REAL Food Girl. I keep it as REAListic as I can for our lifestyle and family. What works for me, may not work for you. What is important is that you make what changes you can and make sure that they work for you and your family.
If you ever need to contact me, please feel free to shoot me an email at: kristine@realfoodgirl.com
Remember, Love people. Cook them tasty, REAL food!
Kristine- Real Food Girl: Unmodified
If you ever need to contact me, please feel free to send me an email at: kristine@realfoodgirl.com or Kristine@oilycrusaders.com
PS- YES! We ARE going to talk about essential oils, because they’ve CHANGED my life. They’re changing the lives of people that I am sharing them with and I’m tired of drugs, harmful and numerous side effects and the lies perpetrated by drug companies, and unsuspecting/under-educated doctors who just shovel prescriptions at people without getting to the CORE of what is going on with them.
Many times solid nutrition, (consisting of Real food), supplements and essential oils play a huge part in providing our bodies with the necessary building blocks to function as they were designed by our Creator! God knew what He was doing. What you eat and how you treat any dis-ease or malady you have matters! If you’re upset that I’m a part of an MLM, please research what Network Marketing is really all about because, #1- it’s NOT a scheme, #2- it’s NOT a scam, and #3-it enables millions of people to be Entrepreneurs and earn a good living (for those that want to be more than just a wholesale customer) and support their family. Pampered Chef, Melaleuca, Avon, 31 Gifts, Arbonne, Tupperware– are all Network Marketing/Direct Sales companies. MLM is not a bad thing. No seriously, it’s not. 🙂
Trust me, I totally understand your apprehension and/or disdain. If you’re Anti-MLM, like I used to be, (until I sucked it up and educated myself (just one of many examples) on what MLM/Network Marketing really is) it’s because you don’t truly understand what it is, what it can do for families, and you’ve believed a load of crock about them. Words like pyramid, scheme, scam, etc., are thrown around without anyone really comprehending what they are saying, or knowing what they’re talking about. Explore and learn all you can as to why Network Marketing is so fantastic. Even Warren Buffet and Donald Trump own Network Marketing companies. I will never again work for someone else, building their dreams, when instead I can work for myself, make my dreams come true and also help others achieve their dreams. I can’t do that working 40 hours a week in some office.
Did you know that Real Estate Agencies are structured like a true pyramid? It’s true. Look into how one is run and how many brokers one office will hire. Or just look into how Real Estate works, and you’ll see what I mean. Interestingly enough, you don’t see people avoiding Realtors when they need to buy or sell a house…
Oils are a part of my crusade to better health and wellness and I can’t wait until they become a part of yours!! 🙂
DISCLAIMER: I am not a MD. The information on this blog is not intended to be taken as medical advice. My hope is that through my blog you will be empowered to become someone that researches, reads labels, asks questions, digs deep, and takes their health and wellness into their own hands. You don’t have to be a medical doctor to achieve and maintain good health. You are your best advocate.
Please share the posts you enjoy, someone else might find this information useful, or might love a new recipe.
The statements made here have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure or prevent any disease. This notice is required by the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.