Real Food Girl Presents: From Sugar Cookies to Peterbilts
Hiya my Food Hippies! Today I’m featuring another guest blogger and this recipe comes just in time for you to start planning what you’re going to make for your Memorial Day cook-out. It’s coming up you know. A recipe for a Mexican Bean Salad comes to us from Kris over at From Sugar Cookies to Peterbilts. A big shout out to all of you Real Food Girl: Unmodified readers! I am Kris from Sugar Cookies to Peterbilts, and I am SO very excited to be over here on Real Food Girl: Unmodified with all of you! A little bit about myself: I am a former city girl, actually from same area as…
Real Food Roasted Vegetables
TSM (The Stud Muffin) doesn’t care much for veggies. In fact, it would be easier to get a 3 year old to eat their veggies than it is to get TSM to eat them. So I roast them. If they’re roasted he’ll eat them and the skies part and the angels sing and the birdies tweet and the sun shines and every little girl that wished for a pony gets one and my man gets some healthy veggies in his body. I’d roast veggies more often, but sometimes a girl just wants some steamed green beans, ya know? These veggies could NOT be easier to prepare. They are so easy, TSM made a…
Pineapple Coconut Chia-Colada
I need to create more recipes while under the influence of pain killers because this one is AWESOME! So not kidding! What good is a decade long back injury and twice a year spinal epidural injections if you don’t get a freaking spectacular recipe or two out of the deal?
Spaghetti Squash- (A Recipe Request from a reader)
I thought today would be a good day to resurrect one of my earlier recipes. Spaghetti squash wasn’t something that was served at our house much until about 18 months ago at which time I had several friends on weight loss plans. I was trying to rework some of my recipes to make them healthier for friends. I’m not a big fan of squash. That may make me unpopular, but it is what it is. I’m being honest. What changed my mind about squash was the spaghetti squash. Wow! It was tasty and fun to eat. I played around with sauces and now I can truthfully say I enjoy squash. But just the…
Roasted Red Pepper Hummus & Parmesan Herb Pita Chips
I think I missed my calling as Weird Al Yankovic’s side kick. I know I only have like 3 seconds to capture a reader’s attention, and thought that a fun song about Chickpeas set to the famous BeeGee’s tune “You Should Be Dancin'” was a great way to do just that. And because now you’re all totally curious what a song about Garbanzo/Chickpeas would sound like and about how I might manage to slaughter a perfectly good BeeGees tune, I bring you my song: “You Should Really Make Some Hummus”… Here is a little video to get the right tune in your head. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaXdTe2TYhs “You Should Really Make Some Hummus” By: Real Food…
Holy Guacamole!
My guacamole isn’t really holy, not in the spiritual sense of the word anyway… It’s just that there are zero catchy recipe titles for guacamole and I felt like spicing things up. The Stud Muffin has really developed a taste for avocados. I wasn’t sure he’d ever eat them after being told countless times that he hated them, he hated guacamole and nothing would change his mind. Until I made guacamole one night and he had it on a taco. BOOM! Yeah, that’s the sound of TSMs mind being blown.
Fresh Garden Salsa -Organic
This Real Food Girl loves her salsa. My secret salsa love affair started when I had some at a local Mexican restaurant called Chi-Chi’s. I have no idea if Chi-Chi’s made authentic Mexican salsa or not, I just know I loved their salsa, and by the time my fajitas came sizzling down through the restaurant, I was full after eating 2 baskets of chips and 4 little containers of salsa all by myself.
Homemade Marinara (or as we Italians call it- GRAVY)
TSM is Italian. Long before we met, I told God that I wanted to marry an Italian and that I wanted his last name to start with a “C” so that I could be a “Mrs. C” and be super cool like Joanie and Ritchie’s mom from Happy Days. I would be the popular mom and all the neighborhood kids would want to come to our house because I was just that spectacular and my kids were phenomenally sensational. The good news is that God answered my prayers for an Italian husband with a last name that began with a “C”. The bad news is that I’m unable to have children of my…