Chicken Potpies with Herbes de Provence
Today seemed like a good day to get my French on, and share my chicken pot pie recipe with you! Everyone needs a solid chicken potpie recipe in his or her arsenal and this is one such recipe. What makes it special and a little out of the ordinary, (and a little French) is the addition of Herebs de Provence in the Velouté.
Classic Tapioca Pudding
Do you love tapioca pudding? I totally love it. I don’t like store bought because they’re very parsimonious with their tapioca pearls and in my opinion, those little gems are the best thing about the pudding. It’s like having a jell-o-y party in your mouth. It’s dozens of little baby Nemos dancing in your mouth. Crap- I just lost ya didn’t I? Shoot. I*knew* I shouldn’t have told you that the tapioca pearls remind me of Nemo (fishy) eggs.
Out of the Box Hamburger Helper (GMO-Free)
Today I wanted to bring back one of my earlier recipes where I felt if it just got a little more face time that you guys would fall in love with it and want to make it. Unfortunately, I only have not-so-decent pictures of the dish. Although the picture doesn’t do this recipe justice, trust me when I tell you that this dish is SO yummy. I even have a friend from back in high school that has made this for her young children a couple of times and they love it! So if they can eat it and love it and not let the pictures scare them, than so can you!