Hot Fudge Chocolate Cake
Finally! It’s here! I’ve been promising this cake for what, two, or three weeks now? Gah! You’ll have to forgive me for that. I normally don’t feature a recipe on my blog unless I’ve tested it several times. Unless of course, it’s just that amazing the first time around and I remember to write down all the components and measurements. If not, I make it a second time and get it on the blog as soon as possible. Other recipes take 3 or more attempts to get it just right. This recipe, however just did NOT want to be featured on the blog. Originally this was a Slow Cooker Hot Fudge Cake. Nowhere…
Chocolate Ho-Ho Cake- (Organic/GMO-Free)
On Christmas Eve my family gets together and everyone brings a dish to share. Each year I generally bring a dessert. Last year I went all out and made a 6 layer chocolate mousse cake with hazelnut japonaise drenched in a layer of ganache and chocolate shavings. It was decadence on a plate. This year I desired to do something much simpler, yet still really yummy. Enter the humble Ho-Ho. (That would be the snack cake Ho-Ho, not the street walking ho-ho.)