GF Fudgy Brownies
Have you ever taken a bite of something and your brain and your mouth explode from the flavor nirvana that is occurring and you’re rendered speechless and consequently need “A moment alone” to compose yourself? If not, I’m genuinely sad for you. But fret no more because these brownies are slap-yo’-momma, shut the front door, awesomesauce, ohmehgersh, mind-blowing, “where have you been all my life?”, SPECTACULAR! Make these and you will have that moment that I just mentioned above once you take a bite of one of these brownies!!
I made the glutenized version a couple of weeks back when I had my good friend Towanda the Bee Charmer over for a movie and lots of snacking. We call it our annual movie night and snarf-fest extravaganza. Guacamole, salsa, and cowboy caviar (all homemade with organic and GMO-Free ingredients) top the list of munchies, along with organic corn chips. If you’re going to watch movies and consume quasi-hideous amounts of salt then you must balance that with chocolate. It’s a rule. I didn’t make it up. I just follow the rules. Only the rules I want to follow and that involve salt and chocolate. Since Bee Charmer and I are totally hip with salt and chocolate rules, I made these brownies so that we wouldn’t be hunted down and offered to the food police as sacrifices. Bee Charmer and I, although totally attractive and quite delightful are not “alter of food rules sacrifice” material. It’s just not how we roll.
I’m not ashamed to tell you that Bee Charmer fell in love with these brownies. I even gave Bee Charmer a quarter of the pan to take home to share with her family, and you’ll never believe what she did? (Actually if you knew her you would because it’s chocolate, and she doesn’t share chocolate. It will take like 23+ years before she’ll break down and share ANY chocolate with you.) You guessed it; Bee Charmer inhaled the brownies and said her family would never knew they existed until she made them a pan. TSM and I got a good laugh out of that!
Bee Charmer owns her own bees. She makes honey. Actually, she doesn’t make the honey, her bees do. Her bees are Italian, like TSM. In my opinion that makes them superior bees. Her honey is quite good, too. I’ll provide a link to her FB page so you can look into purchasing her honey if you’re interested. It really is that good. And I’m not just saying that because she gave me a huge bag of chocolate to make up for 23+ years of withholding chocolate treats from me. Nope. Not sayin’ that at all. (wink-wink)
The truth is that you need to make these brownies. Bee Charmer would be the first person to tell you that you’d be insane not to except she’d use a fancy word like fatuous. Whether you make them with regular flour, or make them gluten-free, you have to make them. In the wide, vast world of brownies, these are seriously some of the best. If I can figure out a way to add caramel and toasted coconut to make them even more spectacular, I’ll do that. These brownies NEED to be in your belly like now.
Easy to make, this recipe will take about 15 minutes to prep and then it’s in the oven for 20 minutes and then the pan sits in an ice bath to cool completely.
Yes. I did say “The pan will sit in an ice bath to cool completely.” That’s the best part about these brownies. They’re not like other brownies. They’re more fudge-like than cake-like. They are dense, rich and intense. You should have to undergo a psych evaluation to make sure you are stable enough and won’t wilt into a puddle of goo on the floor after taking a bite. They really are that powerful.
I got this recipe from my friend Hillary. She is to all things culinary knowledge what Rush Limbaugh is to all things political knowledge. I call her The Culinary Guru. She’ll just kill me love that I’ve compared her to Rush Limbaugh… Ahhh, the joys of having your own blog. Ha! Anyway, The Culinary Guru (Hillary) adapted this recipe to what I’ll be sharing with you below from the original recipe which was created by Alice Medrich’s New Classic Brownies from her book “Cookies and Brownies“.
I will mention that the recipe is in grams. And to be honest I feel it needs to be. These don’t turn out the same when converted to teaspoons and cups, plain and simple. A decent digital kitchen scale will run you $15-$20.00. You could probably find one cheaper on Craigslist or eBay. If you really want to try these, but a scale is out of your budget, you may use this recipe, but know that it won’t be the same. Similar, but not the same.
GF Fudgy Brownies
Recipe Adapted by Hillary via Alice Medrich Preheat oven to 400 F Line 8×8″ baking sheet with foil Once fully cooled, cut and store these brownies in an airtight container in the FRIDGE!**All ingredients used were either Organic or GMO-Free**
- 1 stick unsalted butter
- 115 g bittersweet chocolate I like E.Guittard 72% Bittersweet Chocolate, it is fair trade and GMO-Free!
- 250 g sugar
- 15 g vanilla (yes, this is an accurate measurement)
- 2 g of salt
- 2 large eggs
- 16 g cocoa powder I like E.Guittard Cocoa Rouge Cocoa Powder
- 16 g cornstarch I use Rapunzel brand organic cornstarch.
- 32 g rice flour OR coconut flour
If you want to add some pecans or walnuts, toast them first, then add 1/2 cup of the nuts to the batter just before you pour it into the prepared pan.
- Preheat oven to 400. Line an 8” square metal pan neatly with foil or parchment and use extra so it hangs over the sides a bit.
- Melt butter & chocolate together in a small saucepan on low heat until smooth.
- Stir in sugar, vanilla, and salt.
- Beat in eggs, one at a time, until well blended.
- Beat the flour (or cocoa, cornstarch and rice (or coconut) flour) in with a wooden spoon, until the batter is smooth and glossy, and pulling away from the sides of the pan.
- Scrape batter into the pan, and bake 20 minutes, or until the brownies just start pulling away from the edges of the pan. The surface will look dry.
- Make an ice bath about 1” deep before the timer goes off. Put pan directly in ice bath, without splashing, and let cool.
- **IF You are NOT making the GLUTEN FREE version- Use 48 g of regular AP flour and the 16 g cocoa powder, OR USE 64 g of regular AP flour and no cocoa powder**
- Makes 16-20 squares. Or, if you’re Towanda the Bee Charmer it makes 4 squares.
- IMPORTANT- Store these in the fridge. They just get chewier with each passing moment in the fridge. They get almost caramel-like. As you know, fudge-like and caramel-like are goooood things!!

I have to say, I enjoyed the gluten-free version of these brownies more than the glutenized version. TSM could not tell the difference, but liked them both and he’s not a huge chocolate lover. I know- that’s borderline blasphemous, but he makes up for it in other areas.

**Interested in Bee Charmer’s honey? You should be! Click HERE to be directed to her honey Facebook Page.**
PAID ENDORSEMENT DISCLOSURE: In order for me to support my blogging activities, I may receive monetary compensation or other types of remuneration for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial and/or link to any products or services from this blog.

Hi Kristine,
Can you sub honey or stevia in place of the actual sugar?
Kristine Cocchiarella
Probably not if you want them to turn out like they’re supposed to. Baking is science and adding sugar or stevia may require that other ingredients be recalculated. You could sure try, but I don’t like using large amounts of stevia and I also can’t handle large amounts of honey. It makes me very jittery and I feel sick/off. You could try, if you don’t mind potentially wasting good chocolate. Let me know if they turn out.
These brownies are amazing!
I need to improve the cooking as the edges went crusty and the centre was still runny, perhaps because I only have a round tin, but they taste fantastic!
Kristine Cocchiarella
Hmmm- Did you let them cool completely in the ice/water bath (about a good 30 minutes in that ice bath)? I’ve made these brownies at least 2 dozen times and I’ve never had that happen, so I’d love to trouble shoot with you to see if we can figure out what may have contributed to your over cooked edges and your undercooked center. That being said, you could try a different pan, or wrapping the outside of your round pan in foil OR inverting a flower nail (the little metal contraption used to make icing/buttercream/frosting flowers for cakes) in the center of the brownie mix (coat it first with some oil) and make sure your oven temp isn’t running hot.
Feel free to shoot me an email if you want to do a little trouble shooting. kristine@realfoodgirl.com
Thanks for replying!
I’d actually forgotten that I’d ever commented on this because I just came to comment today to say how wonderful they are!
I bought myself a silicone square tin and I’ve made these easily 12 times already and every time they are amazing.
I made them for my friends last night and they all loved them and couldn’t believe they were gluten free. I think they ate about 3 brownies each!
So I can only assume it was the round tin/freak accident or something because every other time they’ve been perfect.
Thanks for the recipe!
Kristine Cocchiarella
Oh good!! I’m so glad that they’re turning out and are now a favorite. 🙂 I have friends who request these often. Sounds like your friends might end up doing the same thing. LOL! 🙂
These look divine! Just wondering if I could sub coconut flour for the rice flour and cacao powder for the coco powder?
Real Food Girl
That is a great question. These brownies are adapted from Alice Medrich’s New Classic Brownies recipe. She’s an amazing baker. You could certainly try–my only concern is that the cacao powder is less processed so it may not have as much fat as (American) cocoa powder. I’ve reached out to one of my colleagues who has more experience with tough baking questions like this and will get back to you with a final answer as soon as I hear from her. Hopefully within the next 24 hours. I don’t see any reason why the cacao substitute would change anything taste or texture wise (at least not noticeably), but I’m totally unsure about the coconut flour, so I’ll get back to you.
Real Food Girl
Kristen. YES- you can use the coconut flour AND the cacao powder. Good Luck. Make sure you let me know how they turn out so I can update the blog with this information.
Heather @ Sugar Dish Me
The only girl on earth that I trust near my head with scissors has a gluten-restricted diet and she always has baked goodies to hand out that she can’t eat! I made a mental note the last time I was there to make her something awesome and gluten free and these ARE IT. Thank you so much for taking a sec to help me with my plugin questions– I sooo appreciate it!
Real Food Girl
ERMEGERSH!! Heather, she will LOVE you for these!! Make sure you tell her to eat them chilled from the fridge. Room temp will not do these treats justice!
You are SO welcome for the plugin help. Any time. I’m just happy I could help! 🙂
Hey there, boho sister!
Just wanted to say thank you! These were AMAZING! They were the most expensive brownies I’ve ever made- due to the purchase of my new toy – digital scale, but So well worth it and I now have a new toy too! Thanks again! xxx
Real Food Girl
You will be super pleased with your new toy!! And I’m glad you loved the brownies despite the fact that they made you buy a scale. 😉 I will be sharing more recipes that use grams and ounces and you’ll be happy that you bought that scale! Enjoy the brownies!
These look amazing. I love that they are GF.
Thank you for sharing it during Our Little Family Adventure’s Friday Facebook Community Party. I hope you’ll join us each Friday.
Take care, Nicky
Real Food Girl
They are my favorite. I’ve already eaten 5 pieces today. Thankfully I cut them into 1-inch squares, but still. I should probably learn to control myself. 😉
Lynsey @MoscatoMom
Those look amazing. Guilt free chocolate brownies!?! Count me in.
And how do I get an invite to this snarf-fest? That sounds like my kinda party LOL
Real Food Girl
Lynsey- you do know that GF stands for Gluten Free, not guilt free. LOL! 😉
You just have to live close enough to be invited to a snarf-fest. They are the bestest parties evah!! 😉
Debra Ferrie
They look utterly DELISH!
Real Food Girl
Thank you. I’ve had 4 squares today. I should feel bad, but I don’t. These are hands down the best brownies I’ve ever had and they don’t need frosting or anything extra!!
Beeb Ashcroft
YUM! They look delish!
Real Food Girl
Make them. But I warn you. You will not want to share these with anyone! 🙂