Real Food Spiced Pumpkin Latte
For almost 2 years I have done what I consider to be a fabulous job of keeping all things pumpkin off my blog. Don’t get me wrong. I love a good pumpkin recipe almost as much as the next gal, but it seems that almost every food blogger on the interwebs goes nuts every fall and winter and the only recipes you can find are ones containing pumpkin. In an effort to rebel and march to the beat of a different drummer, I resisted and refused to post pumpkin recipes. Until now. What changed my mind? My new Blendtec 725 blender changed my mind. It doesn’t happen often, but I have been known to change my mind once I’ve made up my mind. The Stud Muffin calls me stubborn. I call me steadfast.
I wanted to experience all that my new blender had to offer, so I got busy in the kitchen coming up with a fun drink that I felt you guys would enjoy. After reading over on Food Babe about the awful ingredients in the Pumpkin Spice Latte that is sold at Starbucks, I decided that I wanted to make a Real Food version of this drink. But there was just one, small problem. I despise coffee. Seriously, I can’t stand the taste of it. It is bitter, astringent, and it makes me suck in my cheeks and gag simultaneously. It’s not pretty folks. I’ve tried adding a Tablespoon of coffee to warm milk. Nope. I can still taste it. It ruins the milk. It’s just nasty. NASTY!
Over the years I’ve tried to overcome my immense dislike for coffee. I do like the way it smells, so I tried lattes, mocha’s, froo-froo drinks and extra sugar, milk, cream, whipped cream, chocolate, you name it, I loathed every single drink sent my way. The old adage “Well, you just haven’t had the right kind yet” doesn’t ring true. I simply had a deep repugnance for all drinks containing coffee. No matter how small the amount. That changed with my first sip of this Spiced Pumpkin Latte. This latte may just be what turns me into a coffee drinker, and if sipping 2 ounces of coffee in 10 ounces of milk with pumpkin, maple syrup and spices counts as being a coffee drinker, than I’m in. Even if it doesn’t, I’m officially calling myself a coffee drinker, because the fact that I consumed coffee in a drink and liked it is HUGE!! Who knew pumpkin was the answer to my aversion to coffee? YAY for pumpkin!
Now, in all fairness, I did make the coffee a little on the weak side while I was developing this recipe, and I did add more milk than you would probably want to, so I’ll share the recipe as I think coffee lovers will like it, and then in the notes section below, share my personal measurements for the coffee, pumpkin and milk. Oh, and the sugar– which I eventually replaced with pure maple syrup. When you get to that part, don’t judge me. Remember, I don’t like coffee, so I had to mask it. Turns out, I didn’t have to mask it as much as I set out in my first testing of this recipe.
My sweet friend Frisco Mary found out I was developing a Pumpkin Latte recipe and asked me to text her the recipe. She made it and said ” It was Yum-O!” I needed a coffee drinker to try this out and tell me their thoughts because if I was going to take one for the team and develop a recipe with an ingredient I abhor, then I was going to need taste testers. Turns out I liked it, so I didn’t really need the extra taste testers. The Stud Muffin (TSM) does not like froo-froo drinks. More specifically, he does not like lattes. He so eloquently and astutely called them “Stupid”. I made him try this and he said it was good, even though he doesn’t really like drinks like this. He drank the whole mug, too. I was able to drink about two-thirds of a mug before I started to taste the coffee, and then my brain started screaming “Ahhh!!! COFFEE!!!”, so I stopped before potentially ruining a good thing. All things considered, that’s the most coffee I’ve ever consumed in my life. I usually never get past the first sip.
I have to warn you, if you like Starbucks PSL, and you are newer to real food, this won’t be what you expect. I used organic pumpkin puree, organic spices, raw milk, and quality coffee that was roasted the day I ordered it and shipped to me immediately. There is no fake coloring, dyes, chemicals, preservatives, or GMOs in mine. Regardless, I’m proud of this recipe. It was a breeze to make in my snazzy new Blendtec and I hope you guys love it. Make sure you go over to my Giveaway Post and enter to win the blender that I used to make this drink. I’ll be back later this week with another recipe!

- 2-1/4 cups of very warm milk (you don't want to put boiling hot liquids in your blender)
- 2/3 cup freshly brewed coffee
- 2/3 cup organic pureed pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling) (feel free to add a little more if you want)
- 1-3 TB Maple syrup (to taste, if you want it sweeter, add more, if not, add less)
- 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
- 1/4 tsp. freshly ground nutmeg
- A pinch of allspice (approx. 1/8th tsp.)
- A pinch of ground ginger (approx. 1/8th tsp.)
- Place all ingredients into the WideSide+ jar of your Blendtec 725 blender, and secure the lid.
- Pulse the ingredients in 3 second increments on medium speed 2-3 times until blended. Once blended, set the blender to the highest speed and blend for 30 seconds.
- Remove lid and pour into warm mugs (I run our mugs under hot water for 30 seconds)
- Top with freshly whipped cream and a sprinkle of nutmeg
- Whatever you don't finish can be saved for 1-2 days in the fridge. I stored the leftovers in a glass mason jar. Just warm it in a saucepan on the stove and blend it in your blender for 30 seconds until frothy and well-mixed.
- If you are like me, and coffee isn't your thing, here is my "coffee newbie" measurements.
- 1-1/4 cups warm milk
- 1/4 cup coffee
- 1/3 cup pumpkin (I think I added an extra Tablespoon)
- 2 TB sugar or maple syrup-- again, don't judge. I was afraid the coffee would be nasty. LOL!
- All other ingredients are the same, but cut the amounts in half, because I just made one serving at a time until I found the right mixture of ingredients.
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