Real Food Girl Podcast Interview
I had my very first interview several weeks ago. It. Was. A. Blast! Seriously. I have no idea why I was so nervous. I’ve turned down no fewer than 7 interviews in the past 9 months and 3 of them were with people who had small radio shows. Yeah, I’m a fool. I’m still shaking my head over how silly I was to not jump at the chance to have hundreds upon hundreds hear what Bio Identical Hormone Replacement Therpy has done to my voice. Ha!
Heather Ingersoll the brains behind Easy Healthy Bread also runs a Real Food Journey podcast series and I was blessed enough to be chosen for an interview.
Click THIS link to go listen to the podcast. Click THIS link to go see Heather’s post featuring little ol’ me and get the lo down of what we talked about.
When you get to the iTunes screen it will look like the photo below (but there may be more interviews listed by that time). Simply go to the top one (for now it’s me) and click on that little blue “i” which I’ve notated with a pink arrow. Clicking that INFORMATION button will let you know the episode title so you know you are listening to mine. Certainly listen to the other ones that Heather has done as well!
Here is an excerpt from Heather’s blog that breaks down which topics we covered in my interview:
In this Episode we discuss:
- Bringing fun and love back into food
- Traditional (SAD) diet plans and healthy fats, and how to help family transition to real foods in a gentle way!
- Kristine’s go to meals – Tacos, Roasted Chicken, Pork Chops
- Organic access issues and stresses
- The sacrifices when Real Food is a priority
- Bartering to keep food costs low and the Seattle Food Swap
- How blogging can help others and give tradition to future generations
- Generic Roulette
- Doctors and nutrition
- Baking with real food- Lard
Make Yourself Comfy, People
Curl up with some Real Food hot cocoa or tea and gather round the living room with your family for my podcast debut. Alright, you probably won’t go that far, but if you want to, you can certainly make yourself a warm drink and break out the yoga pants so you’re comfy whilst listening to my thoughts on Real Food and such.
The interview lasts about 38 minutes. Heather was worried we’d not have enough to talk about. I kept reassuring her that once I open my mouth I pretty much don’t stop yapping, so it wasn’t a problem to fill our time. I’m sure the poor girl had to edit out gobs of content.
If you get a chance, check out a couple recipes from Heather’s site that I thought looked interesting and tasty.
Quinoa Banana Bread – This bread looks seriously yummy
Whole Wheat Sourdough Starter– Who doesn’t need a jump start with starters?
I’d love to hear what you thought of the interview in the comments below. Just be gentle. It’s my first time. Thanks for taking the time to listen to my interview guys! I hope to do more in the near future.
~Real Food Girl
PAID ENDORSEMENT DISCLOSURE: In order for me to support my blogging activities, I may receive monetary compensation or other types of remuneration for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial and/or link to any products or services from this blog.

One Comment
Real Food Girl
I should be thanking you, Heather! It was truly a lot of fun and I enjoyed it!