• Homemade Italian Stromboli. Fresh organic cheeses, Italian meats, and homemade sauce and dough! The best! Real Food Girl: Unmodified

    Meat and Cheese Stromboli & Pizza Sauce

    Today is all about Stromboli.  Not the money-grubbing Gypsy puppeteer from Pinocchio,  but the rolled turnover type “sandwich” that is stuffed with tasty pizza toppings. Whenever I’m not in the mood to get all “Paisano Pizzeria” and construct the perfect pizza, I throw together a Stromboli.  This is Italian street food my friends.  I’ll not only show you how to make Stromboli, but I’m sharing my pizza sauce recipe, too. A few weeks back I shared my Fail-Proof Organic Pizza Dough recipe.   I’ve been using this recipe for a few years now because it’s one of the few doughs I’ve experimented with that not only makes a good crust for pizza, but it…