Easy Herb Roasted Chicken
Do you eat a lot of chicken? We do. Sometimes I wish I could just buy a 12 pound prim rib roast and feast on medium rare prime rib and Au jus for a week! However, since the pastured, grass-fed cow that could provide me that large hunk of red meat would cost me a car payment to purchase, I’m gonna have to stick with chicken. I roast chicken almost weekly. I either roast an entire chicken, or I’ll roast some thighs and a breast. I make this curry-cayenne chicken salad for TSM often, so I need roasted chicken on hand in order to do that. I also like having it on hand…
Lazy Baked Chicken and Rice
Yesterday I shared my “Mmmm Better” Cream of Chicken Soup recipe. I explained that I had zero motivation to make dinner and that chicken and rice baked together sounded quick and yummy. I just wanted to throw a few ingredients into a casserole dish, place it in the oven, and within 45 minutes have a hot, tasty, filling meal emerge. Regrettably my dreams of that meal were dashed when I realized I didn’t have any “Mmm” substitutes on hand on account of the fact I don’t use cream of rubbish soups from a can. Nope. I don’t. And I am pretty sure I explained that ad nauseam in yesterday’s post and in…
Paprika Chicken with Smashed Taters & Gravy
Hands down, this is probably one of my favorite meals from childhood. My grandmother made this for Sunday dinners back when we used to go over to my Grandparents house after church on Sundays. I truly miss those times. I’d almost forgotten that a LARGE bottle of ketchup was present at every Sunday dinner. I swear my grandfather would drink the stuff if allowed. One year everyone bought him a bottle of ketchup and he was thrilled! Yeah, I know. It’s kind of gross that we put ketchup on every meat. You’ll be happy to know that TSM (The Stud Muffin) broke me of that habit very early on in our relationship. I…