• Real Food Girl defends a fellow bloggers decision to not use shampoo
    Lifestyle,  Miscellaneous

    The Ignorance of Out of Touch Celebrities

    This week something bad happened to one of my blogging friends. It wasn’t your typical something bad, such as a minor fender bender, or a bad jean day, or she broke a toe tripping over a toy in her living room.  No. This something bad happened to be broadcast on daytime television with hundreds of thousands (if not more) people watching.  What makes it worse is that no compassion or understanding was extended to my friend. Just judgement, ignorance and cruelty.  Woman being mean and cutting each other down.  I’m talking about my blogging friend Jacquelyn Byers of Little Owl Crunchy Mama and her “No Poo” post that went viral- online and on…